july 2024

Delivery Diaries: 26 years old, first baby, diagnosed PCOS

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Delivery Diaries: 26 years old, first baby, diagnosed PCOS



What number baby is this for you?

How long (ish) did it take to you to conceive?
4 months

Was it a natural conception or did you need fertility treatment?
Natural conception – I have PCOS (Polycystic ovary syndrome) I was advised my fertility may be affected however I was very fortunate, I came off the pill in August after our wedding and then got pregnant naturally.

Did you have any medical conditions prior to pregnancy?
PCOS, mild asthma

Did you have any conditions that developed during your pregnancy (e.g.Pre-eclampsia, Gestational diabetes)?
No, nothing

Did you write birth plan? If so, what birth choices did you hope for?
I didn’t physically write one – but I discussed with James (husband) my choices, I was hoping for a low risk water birth but I ended up with meconium in the water (she had poo’d) so things didn’t quite go to plan.

I did spend some time in the pool, being active, bouncing on the ball, standing, I loved the gas and air, but then I wasn’t “progressing” as well as hoped and she was back to back – meaning my cervix was slowly dilating.

I had diamorphine and needed the syntocinin (hormone) drip – which then meant I needed continuous monitoring (with the CTG belts), I knew I wanted skin to skin, to breastfeed, I was happy for an active management of third stage (having the injection for the placenta) and I consented to Vitamin K injection.

What birth did you have?
A spontaneous vaginal birth aka a normal delivery

How was your recovery from birth?
Fine, I was a little tender when first moving about and weeing - where was Spritz for Bits in my life?! I luckily had an intact perineum and believe that’s because I did perineal massage.

Breastfeeding was challenging in the first few weeks and it took me a while to get into the swing of it. I got mastitis twice, but I manged to breast feed her until she was two years old.

Do you have any advice or helpful hints or tips that we can share with parents to be?
Do perineal massage, stay mobile as long as possible, try water, bouncing on a ball, snacks for you and your partner are a must!


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