Lesley Bland
Registered Midwife

Dr Emma Ferriman
Consultant Obstetrician

Lesley Gilchrist
Registered Midwife

Charlotte Hoskin
Registered Midwife and Registered Nurse

Dr Jamie Clarke MBChB BSc (Hons) PGCert

Hello, I’m Lesley Gilchrist, a Registered Midwife and co-founder of My Expert Midwife which I launched in 2016 with my business partner, Claire Charlton a massage specialist.
Pregnancy and birth always fascinated me, so becoming a midwife was inevitable. I trained as a midwife in Newcastle and qualified in 2003 and immediately felt at home in my first job as a midwife. It was only when I became pregnant for the first time that I truly realised what women genuinely needed to help them during pregnancy; and understood what early parenting is like; the challenges and rewards. For me, my abiding memory was the first week and what an affect that pain had on my recovery; nothing seemed to work.
Fast-forwarding to 2013 and struggling to manage juggling 2 young children whilst working night shifts in the NHS and studying for a master’s degree in Clinical Research Methods, I took the plunge and began offering private midwifery services and antenatal classes.

Working as a midwife is a huge privilege – you’re welcomed into an intimate, family unit where they disclose their deepest fears to you. The relationship is built on trust in your knowledge and skills and compassion in the support we give during a vulnerable time – we take their hand through the journey, supporting, signposting and caring.
So much is unknown to them and there’s so much conflicting information out there, both good and bad and that can be overwhelming, so being able to spend time with someone, helping them navigate all that information and to help them make decisions that they are comfortable with is why we do this job. As midwives we help them overcome that power imbalance, helping them to feel positive, calm and in control of their choices.
Every family is different, and every birth is different – it’s what makes this job so hugely satisfying
The Midwives at My Expert Midwife

our values
Midwife developed to solve a genuine problem
As midwives, we understand the real issues that women face during pregnancy, birth and recovery. from physical ailments to emotional support, through to clear, unambiguous information. It’s what makes our brand so unique.
Midwife expertise – always evidence based
Our team of experienced, highly qualified midwives are constantly reviewing new research, national guidance and advice to make sure that all our information is up to the minute, helpful, relevant and reliable. A trusted source of high quality, comprehensive information, My Expert Midwife offers a multitude of platforms, from videos, blogs, e-books and guides, through to interactive webinars.
We care for you emotionally + physically
Our support doesn’t end when you buy a product. We pride ourselves on the care our Award-Winning Customer Experience Team offer, dealing with queries and concerns quickly and efficiently and offering access to our midwives if needed.
We are always honest + straightforward
We understand that being pregnant or being new parents it’s difficult to know where to go for the safest and most reliable sources of information. We also understand how important it is for that information to be clear, concise and unambiguous. So, if the topic is really complicated, we’ll use videos and interactive platforms, such as webinars and Instagram Lives to really explore not just the how, but the why.
We also believe that no topic should be ‘taboo’, because we believe that by lifting the lid on these topics, and by discussing them openly and honestly, that it helps women come to terms with it and seek treatment #LetsBeHonest. Whether you want to know more about perineal massage or get to know your bits better we will get the conversation started.
Safety first
We understand that pregnant and breastfeeding women are extremely careful around what they put in and, on their bodies – we’re midwives after all, so we only use premium ingredients that are safe and effective for use in pregnancy and breastfeeding in all our blends.
As midwives, it goes without saying that all the ingredients in our product range, including our essential oils, are safe to use during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
Our dedicated team is here to support you through your journey. Our thoroughly trained team offer expert advice, with midwife support, when you need a little help:
- Contact us directly on 01423 649940 for any advice or queries.
- Live chat, just interact with the red icon to chat with our advisors.
- Contact us on advice@myexpertmidwife.com
- We offer free standard delivery on orders over £20
- We aim to respond to all queries within 24 hours