january 2025

Positive Self-Talk

Pregnancy and postpartum is a time of overwhelming physical, emotional, and psychological change, and the language we use with ourselves during that time can have a lasting impact. Remember, be kind to yourself, you're doing an amazing job!

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Positive Self-Talk

Positive self-talk has the power to nurture not just our mental well-being, but also our physical health. What we say and the words that we use reflect the reality that we are living. During your pregnancy, birth, and parenthood, aiming to use encouraging, affirming, and enabling language can make your reality more positive and empowering!

The impact of positive self-talk can:

  • Reduce stress and anxiety.

  • Promote better coping skills.

  • Enable a positive birth experience.

  • Improve body image and acceptance.

Positive words make us all feel better, and reassurance and encouragement can work magic. Let’s be positive and encouraging to each other and to ourselves!

My top tips for positivity are:

  1. Affirmations to inspire and motivate you. The easiest way to add affirmations into your day is to grab some Post-it notes and a pen and watch the magic happen. Write seven affirmations down on post it notes and stick them where you can see them (your bathroom mirror or a fridge are ideal). Every single day, read them out loud and feel the positivity flow over you.

Some affirmations you may like in pregnancy:

  • I am a safe place for my baby.

  • I trust my body; it’s designed to grow and birth a baby.

  • Every week I am one step closer to meeting my baby.

  • I educate myself so I can make the right decisions for me and my baby.

  • I am beautiful and proud of my body.

You might find the following useful for labour:

  • Each contraction/surge brings me closer to my baby.

  • I breathe in calm and breathe out fear.

  • I trust my body to birth my baby.

  • My baby and I are working together as a team.

  • I can do anything for one minute.

After birth, you may like:

  • My body has done an incredible thing, and I respect it for bringing my baby into the world.

  • I trust my instinct and I am confident to care for my baby.

  • I am doing the best I can, and that is enough.

  • I am deserving of rest, support, and self-care.

  • I love my body, and I can embrace the beauty of motherhood.

  1. Avoid negative self-talk, even if it’s just a joke; your body and your subconscious do not know the difference between what is real or what you’re just thinking. Instead replace negative self-talk with affirmations and encouragement.

  1. Every single day, do an activity that you enjoy. Taking time each day for something you enjoy, (whether it be reading, having a hot coffee, or simply going for a walk), helps support your well-being. These small acts of self-care can reduce stress and enhance your overall happiness.

  1. Practice mindfulness. We get it, sometimes with extreme sleep deprivation this can be oh so hard to do, but where possible, try your utmost to stay present, in the moment, and focus on the positive rather than worrying. Mindfulness teaches us how to reduce stress and manage panic, as well as how to be happier and calmer.

  1. And last, but by no means least, be kind to yourself, especially during setbacks. Speak to yourself like you would a best friend. Accept that everyone has off days, and it is okay to not be perfect.

Your body loves, you, go on, love it back xx