Let us take the stress out of trying to conceive by giving you the information and tools you need.
Whether you want to know more about your fertility before you start trying to get pregnant, or you have already started trying to become pregnant, our kit and guide can help you understand more and support you to navigate your journey.
Our All-In-One Pregnancy Supplement is perfect when trying to conceive, it has all the essential vitamins and minerals to support your pre-conception, pregnancy, and postpartum journey.

This FREE downloadable mini guide comes printed in every Trying to Conceive Kit, and is packed full of the information you need to know about female and male fertility, understanding when you are most fertile and what happens next if you need more help when trying to conceive (TTC).
Knowing the days you are most likely to be fertile can increase your chance of getting pregnant.
Every woman’s menstrual cycle is different, so getting to know your body better can improve your chances of conception. Try our ovulation calculator to find out when you’ll be most fertile.
This ovulation calculator provides an estimate of your fertile window and is not a guarantee of pregnancy or of birth control. Fertile windows are different for every woman and can be different from month to month in the same woman.
you are most likely to get pregnant if you have sex without birth control a few days before your ovulation date.
Our midwife-written guide below will talk you through the following:
- How female and male fertility work
- How to understand your menstrual cycle
- What lifestyle changes can improve your chances of becoming pregnant
- How to recognise when your most fertile days are

Your body gives you several clues during your menstrual cycle as to when the most and least fertile times are, so it is good to learn a little bit more about what to look out for.
Tracking your menstrual cycle to determine the most fertile time can be done in various ways yet using several of these indicators together can help to maximise the chances of pregnancy occurring. Learn all about how female hormones influence your body’s reproductive cycle, what changes in vaginal discharge mean during your cycle, and how changes in body temperature can help predict when you are most likely to become pregnant.
learn more about female fertility
Sperm production starts during puberty and takes place in the testicles. Sperm are the male sex cells. They are not visible to the human eye and are similar to a tadpole in shape, a property that enables them to move quickly.
Learn more about how sperm work and travel through the male and female reproductive systems, and the dos and don’ts to maximise male fertility and performance when TTC.
learn more about male fertility
Your diet can have a negative effect on your hormonal function, disrupting ovulation and reducing your chances to conceive. A few simple changes can improve your chances of becoming pregnant and pave the way for a healthy pregnancy.
Women become pregnant, carry their babies and give birth, yet the man’s contribution is paramount, and it starts way before there is even a pregnancy test in sight.
Find out more HERE.
Men’s fertility is directly affected by their general health and lifestyle, which influence – for better or worse – their sexual desire and performance, as well as the quality and quantity of sperm they produce. Learn more about which foods to introduce into your diet to improve your chances of becoming a father.

It may reassure you to know that there are adjustments you can make to your lifestyle which will not only improve your chances of becoming pregnant, but which will also help pave the way for a healthier pregnancy.
Achieving a healthier weight
- Women who are either underweight or overweight are more likely to not ovulate, particularly if they also experience irregular menstrual cycles.
Breaking bad habits
- Smoking, alcohol and drugs can have a negative impact on your fertility and increase the chances of miscarriage.
The environment
- Connecting with your mind and body through meditation and/or yoga, getting enough sleep, and seeking support from a counsellor, support group or mental health professional can all help lower and manage your stress levels.
Lifestyle choices for him
- Male sexual performance and the ability to produce good numbers of quality sperm are closely related to lifestyle choices. Just as important as it is for women to prepare their bodies for becoming pregnant, it is the same for men to prepare theirs to improve their fertility. Learn more about swapping lifestyle choices to those which will help improve your chances of concieving.

Charting involves daily recording of your vaginal discharge, basal body temperature (BBT), changes to your cervix and any other symptoms.
By keeping track for a couple of months, you will start to know your pattern and be able to more accurately determine when you ovulate, and which days are your most fertile.
download your free chart
Planning to get pregnant should be fun and not a chore but, if you have been trying without it happening for a while, both of you may start to feel the stress creeping in.
How to know when to have sex
- There are a few days within your cycle in which you are most likely to conceive. This fertile window usually occurs a few days before ovulation and is usually evident by a significant change to your vaginal discharge (cervical mucus) which becomes copious, slippery, and stretchy, very similar to raw egg white.
Just how often is enough?
- The evidence is fairly clear on this: couples that are having regular sex, 2-3 times a week, significantly boost their chances of conceiving.
Tips for managing stress and anxiety when trying to conceive
- Relax, have fun and enjoy your relationship without worrying or fixating on becoming pregnant.
- Knowing what sperm-friendly cervical mucus looks and feels like, tracking her basal body temperature (BBT) daily and using ovulation sticks can all help determine when a woman is in her most fertile period.
When should I consult a GP?
Your GP will expect you to have been trying to become pregnant for 12 months before seeking assessment if you are under 36 years old and for 6 months if you are older than 36. If you already know of or suspect medical factors which could cause fertility issues, consult your GP sooner.