What number baby is this for you?
How long (ish) did it take to you to conceive?
I became pregnant within a month of actively trying
Was it a natural conception or did you need fertility treatment?
Did you have any medical conditions prior to pregnancy?
Yes, I suffer from Ulcerative colitis and had previously had a heart ablation to correct SVT.
Did you have any conditions that developed during your pregnancy (e.g.Pre-eclampsia, Gestational diabetes)?
No, however I was under a consultant due to my UC and heart issues.
Did you write birth plan? If so, what birth choices did you hope for?
Yes - I had chosen an elective c section
What birth did you have?
How was your recovery from birth?
I recovered very well post birth. I was up and mobile within 24 hours with my catheter out and home within 48. I kept up with the pain relief prescribed and was fairly active 7-10 days prior.
Do you have any advice or helpful hints or tips that we can share with parents to be?
For the mother - plan the birth that you feel comfortable with, do not let anyone else influence your decision. You know your body, your limits and what you feel is right.
Make sure Dad is involved from the moment baby arrives, skin on skin, help with feeding* if baby is bottle fed etc. Their ability to bond is also very important.
If you would like to share your own unique delivery diary please click to this page and complete the form.