What number baby is this for you?
How long (ish) did it take to you to conceive?
Without even trying!! I had a newborn son and was breastfeeding regularly and hadn't resumed my periods so didn't use contraception!! I had had one episode of loose bowels earlier in the week and can only think it was that that did it! It only takes one time I am testament to that!
Was it a natural conception or did you need fertility treatment?
Natural - a bit of a surprise!
Did you have any medical conditions prior to pregnancy?
Kidney stones
Did you have any conditions that developed during your pregnancy (e.g.Pre-eclampsia, Gestational diabetes)?
No but I did start having contractions at 26 weeks and was admitted on NYE for monitoring and a medication to try to stop premature labour - luckily it worked and I got to 35 weeks and 5 days before I had my third baby. I ended up staying in for 9 weeks though which with two small children at home (2 and 9 months was really tough)
Did you write birth plan? If so, what birth choices did you hope for?
What birth did you have?
I was induced and had a vaginal birth very quickly. Again just one dose of Prostin gel, my waters were broken and I had a tickle of Syntocinon when I was 3cm and my baby girl was born less than two hours later. It was unbelievably quick. The student Midwife who had been present at the birth of me son (2nd baby) was now a qualified Midwife and cared for during this birth as well - so special.
How was your recovery from birth?
I was really well following the birth and despite being a little small and a little prem my third baby did so well we were discharged from the hospital after only three days.
Do you have any advice or helpful hints or tips that we can share with parents to be?
If you would like to share your own unique delivery diary please click to this page and complete the form.