july 2024

Baby Showers: A complete gift guide

Discover the ultimate Baby Shower gift guide with ideas for every budget, from essential products developed by My Expert Midwife to thoughtful personal touches that new parents will love.

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Baby shower gifts

In 2005 when I had the youngest of my three children, Baby Showers didn’t really happen in the UK but today it seems that you might even have multiple – one for close friends and family, one for work colleagues, and perhaps one for those other mums-to-be you have met during your pregnancy. Whether you host one or have a surprise party thrown for you one of the biggest issues for guests is what gifts to bring and the pressure can really be on!

From my own experience of being a guest at Baby Showers I love it when someone does the hard work for me and sets up a gift registry (a little like when I had one for my wedding guests). That ensures I am gifting the parent(s) to be something they either need or really want, and not something they’ll either regift or swap for something else.

Working as a Midwife I have heard all the stories about spectacularly OTT gifts, really thoughtful gifts, incredibly practical gifts, and those that well were memorable for all the wrong reasons. My Expert Midwife’s in-house team of Registered Midwives develop a range of products that solve problems be it nausea in early pregnancy, stretchmarks in later stages of pregnancy, or discomfort from tears and stitches postpartum and let’s face it who wouldn’t thank you for helping them to relieve any of those problems.

The team here at My Expert Midwife got our thinking caps on and we have come up with some ideas that we think would go down an absolute treat for any Baby Shower and there are prices to suit all budgets from just a few pounds through to the more lavish and expensive – we know lots of you love to club together to buy something really special, after all babies don’t come cheap these days! So here are some ideas for you that we think any parents-to-be would love:

And if you want to do something personal why not cook, bake, and fill their freezer with great homecooked nutritious food – believe me if someone had done that for me, I would love them forever. But think outside of the box; walk the dog, take the toddler to the park, take their laundry, or offer to run errands, clean the house or just be an extra pair of hands around the house - make a voucher book and encourage the parents-to-be to “cash them in” when they need something.

Remember though it’s your presence rather than presents that make the memories so grab your phone and take as many photos as you can – what better way to celebrate a new life!