Conception is considered a miracle because it's a complex process that requires many factors to align perfectly.
intercourse must occur around the time of ovulation
healthy fallopian tubes
the process of releasing a mature egg
healthy mobile sperm able to reach the egg
the egg must be receptive, healthy and able to be fertilized
genetically compatible egg and sperm
a healthy uterine wall receptive to embryo implantation
But not all conceptions occur as a result of intercourse; some are planned conceptions by way of:
artificial insemination, where fresh or frozen sperm is inserted into the vagina by yourself or a doctor
or by IVF (In-Vitro Fertilisation) methods, where an egg or eggs extracted either from yourself or from an egg donor mixed with sperm. A more specific process called ICSI (intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection) is carried out to inject a single egg with a single sperm. After a few days of growing the embryos in the laboratory the healthiest will be transferred into the womb.
However your baby is conceived, it’s incredible! But oh, the emotions associated with conception ranging from excitement through disappointment, fear, shock, upset, anxiety and sheer elation depending on your own personal circumstances, and boy it can be a real rollercoaster of a journey. So, buckle up and be prepared for all the ups and the downs!
For some women conception is straightforward and happens easily, but for others it can take a lot longer or sadly maybe never. We want to reassure you that if you have thought about trying to conceive (TTC), there are some fairly simple steps you can take to improve your chances. If you have a male partner and are hoping to conceive naturally then ensure that they are also on board with the pre-prep. Read our blog for easy-to-understand tips including taking pregnancy-specific supplements such as All in one Pregnancy Supplements for her and Pre-conception Supplements Men, so you and your partner can improve your fertility and increase your chances of getting pregnant.
The greatest love of all is without doubt the most silent, the most unseen, and the most magical; when the single sperm has beaten off hundreds of millions of its rivals to reach and fertilise the egg a brief flash of light is the only acknowledgement of the incredible adventure that is about to take place.