september 2024

How big is my baby this month?

Charlotte advice baby baby size baby weight how big is my baby is this normal Midwife pregnancy what to expect Recommended Products
Image of fruits and vegetables that may represent the size of your growing baby during pregnancy

Baby sizes 

During pregnancy your baby grows from the size of an apple seed to the size of a pumpkin. This tradition of comparing a baby’s size to something edible goes back centuries. The next time you’re walking through the supermarket visualise your growing baby. 


4 weeks Baby is the size of an apple seed and is implanting into your uterus  

8 weeks Baby is the size of a raspberry and now has lips, eyelids and a nose 

12 weeks Baby is the size of a plum and is starting to develop a digestive system 

16 weeks Baby is the size of an avocado and has eyelashes  

20 weeks Baby is the size of a banana and his or her sex can be revealed  

24 weeks Baby is the size of an aubergine and his or her facial features are formed 

28 weeks Baby is the size of a lettuce and can blink and dream 

32 weeks Baby is the size of a pineapple and can kick and swallow  

36 weeks Baby is the size of a Honeydew melon and will be covered in vernix  

40 weeks Baby is the size of a pumpkin and ready to meet you