Mother’s Day is steeped in history, as it originates from Greek and Roman times where the goddesses Rhea and Cybele-who was referred to as ‘The Great Mother of the Gods’- were worshipped and celebrated.
A special day for mothers was also traditional during the 18th century, where mothers were expected to return to their “mother” church to b reunited with family members.
Modern Mother’s Day
Nowadays, Mother’s Day in the UK is widely seen as a day to celebrate mothers, grandmothers, great-grandmothers, step-mothers and all mother figures in our lives and the wonderful jobs that they do to help create and nurture life. Being a mother is a demanding but rewarding job, that we at My Expert Midwife believe should be recognised and celebrated.
From growing a new life, to the demands that motherhood and mothering brings, we really should show the mother figures in our life how much we appreciate who they are and all that they do for us on this special day.
Celebrating Mother’s Day with knowledge and wisdom from YOU!
Let’s be honest, motherhood can be tough.
You told us that motherhood in 2019 comes with its own unique demands and challenges.
When you shared your thoughts and feelings surrounding motherhood with us, we thought there was so much knowledge that mums had, that it should be shared to help new mums and mums-to-be.
Describe in one word
We asked if you could describe motherhood in just one word, and as you can see there are some pretty powerful thoughts and emotions going on when it comes to being a mum.
What I wished I had known about motherhood
We thought that the wisdom shared about the reality of motherhood was good to share with other mums and mums-to-be, to help mums feel like what they are feeling is normal and ok.
What I learnt about motherhood
Above all, we wanted other mums to share their thoughts about what motherhood had taught them and to give new mums and mums-to-be the heads up on what to expect.
Motherhood isn’t without its challenges, but the rewards are rich and there are plenty of them. Show the mother figures in your life just how much you value who they are and what they do for you this Mother’s Day!