To understand ovulation, first, we need to understand the menstrual cycle. Every woman’s menstrual cycle is different, the average woman’s cycle lasts for 28 days, and some women will have shorter or longer cycles. The most likely time an egg will be released during this time is approximately 14 days after the first day of your last period. This means that you will be most likely to conceive when you have regular sex around the midpoint of your cycle.
Your body gives you several clues during your menstrual cycle as to when the most and least fertile times are, so it is good to learn a little bit more about what to look out for.
Common Signs That You Are Ovulating
There are several signs and symptoms that indicate ovulation is happening.
1. Cervical mucus (or discharge) significantly increases, and is often clear, stretchy, and slippery, resembling egg white. Nature is wise, and this slippery discharge is very ‘sperm-friendly,’ helping sperm travel more quickly through your reproductive system to meet the egg released from your ovary.
2. Basal Body Temperature (BBT), progesterone is released BBT can rise by 0.5 degrees and stay raised until your next period.
3. Mittelschmerz, a dull ache on one side of the lower abdomen. This is known as mittelschmerz, which means ‘middle pain’ in German.
4. Changes in the cervix, the position of the cervix and its consistency (how it feels to touch) change throughout the menstrual cycle.
5. Feeling more sexual, from a survival-of-the-species point of view, nature is wise and wants you to have babies! During, your most fertile days, you may feel more sexual and, perhaps, sexier!
6. A positive result on an ovulation strip, Luteinising hormone (LH) surges 24-36 hours before ovulation occurs, and this surge is what the ovulation strip checks for to predict fertility, the ovulation stick will give you a positive result. If you have polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), you are over 40 or approaching the menopause, a positive ovulation result may not necessarily indicate ovulation, as LH levels can surge or be higher and not followed by ovulation.
When are you most likely to get pregnant?
There are a few days in your cycle when you are most fertile and, therefore, most likely to conceive, including ovulation day. And this is known as your ‘fertile window’.
For women who have regular cycles lasting 28-31 days, their fertile window tends to take place mid-cycle. Your ‘fertility window’ can start before you get a positive result on an ovulation strip, as your ‘sperm-friendly’ cervical mucus helps keep sperm alive for a few days.