As midwives we know it is common for women to experience discomfort after giving birth. Midwives are always trying to find ways to help people to relieve the feelings of soreness after a vaginal or caesarean section birth. Feeling more comfortable helps to improve experiences in the postnatal period and makes the transition for the whole family with a newborn less stressful and more enjoyable.
Apart from regular paracetamol and keeping the area clean, midwives often recommend a soak in a warm bath infused with lavender essential oil as it is known for its soothing, healing and relaxing properties. The problem is that oil and water don’t mix well, which means that the essential oils won’t necessarily reach the parts they need to when taking a bath. Some midwives also recommended putting witch hazel onto a maternity pad to ease swelling and discomfort, but women are often unsure as to the quantity to use.
Spritz for Bits provides a solution to this problem, making sure the correct amount of these ingredients are delivered to the right place, for the instant soothing relief women need after birth.
Having a safe but effective solution for soreness after childbirth, one that can be trusted to help manage symptoms postpartum, has helped thousands of women and birthing people recover more easily and have a much more comfortable experience.
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Why we use pure essential oils in Spritz for Bits
Essential oils are extracted from individual plants, the flowers, stems, leaves or roots. Each plant has unique characteristics and aromas which are present in their individual essential oil.
Essential oils can work when applied topically onto the skin, or by inhalation to influence behaviours and emotions. They can be several times stronger than dried herbs, therefore they need to be diluted into the recommended safe quantities.
Many essential oils are so effective for helping to relieve discomfort and treat problems that they have their own monography (a detailed study) with the Medicines & Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA), which is the UK’s regulatory agency for medicine safety
How can essential oils be used safely in pregnancy?
You can be assured that all My Expert Midwife products contain essential oils and ingredients which are safe to use during pregnancy. In Spritz for Bits they are diluted in the recommended quantities and blended with the correct carriers to not only help with effective application, but to comply with safety regulations specifically related to pregnancy and the postpartum.
Carriers (oils and other ingredients) are used to dilute the potency of essential oils to the right strength, as undiluted essential oils can cause irritation when applied directly to the skin. Different carriers vary in consistency and suitability for different essential oils and applications. Mixing essential oils and their carriers needs knowledge and care as their aroma, consistency and potency can be affected.
Essential oils have properties which can provide effective relief from minor ailments during pregnancy and the postpartum. Spritz for Bits and My Expert Midwife products enable women to use them as self-help measures during pregnancy and postnatally, but they are not intended to replace your midwifery/medical care, rather to compliment and work with your antenatal, labour and postnatal care.
Helping to ease the minor ailments, aches and pains which can often accompany pregnancy and childbirth can increase comfort during the weeks and months of pregnancy and the immediate postnatal period. Spritz for Bits gives you the correct blend of essential oils to help provide soothing relief with minor ailments, which in turn can impact positively on both mental and physical wellbeing.
Why was Spritz for Bits developed?
So, Spritz for Bits was developed by midwives for women as there weren’t any complete products to help manage soreness after childbirth.
Combining the right essential oils with naturally soothing properties in a bottle which sprayed upside down, then enabled women to deliver the product exactly to the area that needed it.
With an expert blend of witch hazel, tea tree and lavender to soothe and calm, many people soon began to voice to us just how helpful and needed this product was for them.
So, what is in Spritz for Bits and how does it work?
The unique blend of essential oils and compounds below were selected to specifically target and calm sore, swollen and irritated areas. Spritz for Bits can also be sprayed upside down to target the exact area you need it to, as well as stored in the fridge for extra cooling relief.
- Witch hazel compound- This helps to reduce skin irritations and has anti-inflammatory properties which can help soothe and reduce soreness, haemorrhoid pain and itchiness
- Tea tree- Has anti-bacterial and anti-fungal qualities
- Lavender- Is known to be calming, can reduce anxiety, stress and restlessness as well as ease swelling, bruising, itching and stinging
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Here are some FAQs about when to use Spritz for Bits
Using Spritz for Bits during pregnancy
- If you have haemorrhoids/piles causing discomfort
- For swelling or discomfort around the vulval area
- To help calm itching and discomfort of thrush (after seeking assessment/treatment from your midwife or pharmacist)
- Other irritations such as cystitis or post coital discomfort
Using Spritz for Bits after birth
- Sprayed on your perineum straight after birth from day one
- Sprayed onto a pad, if you prefer, from day one
- Use it before and after your first wee post-birth to calm any stinging
- Use it at each pad change (at least every 4 hours)
- On your caesarean section wound after the dressing has been removed (around day 5)
Using Spritz for Bits beyond birth
- Can be used on any wound going through a normal healing process
- On bites and stings for adults and children
- On haemorrhoids/piles when not pregnant
- On swelling and bruising on the body
When not to use, and when to contact your doctor or midwife:
- If you think you are developing an infection- we advise consulting with your doctor or midwife first
- Oozing or discharge from the wound site
- Pain which is not improving each day
- An offensive odour from the wound site
- Feeling unwell with flu like symptoms
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Spritz for Bits, developed by Lesley Gilchrist co-founder and registered midwife, this multi-award winning and 5 star recommended perineal spray will help to soothe and relieve your bits through pregnancy, birth recovery and beyond.